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Impact investment

Since 2014, PGGM has invested for its clients in solutions for a number of the world’s biggest challenges: climate change and environmental pollution, water shortages, food security and healthcare.


These targeted investments not only contribute financially to the returns for our clients, but also create added social and environmental value. They contribute to the realization of specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) namely, SDG 2 (food security), SDG 3 (health), SDG 6 (water security), SDG 7 (affordable and sustainable energy), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), SDG 12 (responsible production and consumption) and SDG 13 (climate action). It is essential to calculate the social and environmental impact of these investments, both for comprehensible communication of the positive impact of the pension investments and for the credibility of investing with impact. By calculating the social and environmental impact, sustainability can also be taken into account and weighed in decision-making.

By measuring the social and environmental impact of the investments over many years, we build up knowledge and experience in to further support the switch to a more sustainable investment portfolio. Some examples of the impact that the companies in which we invest can generate are presented below.

In 2018, we mapped the portfolio's contribution to the SDGs for the first time. By the end of 2021, this will has increased to 18%.
In order to provide insight into the contribution made to all the SDGs through the investments of our clients and to make this comparable with the investments of other investors, we worked together with pension administrator APG on standardising SDG impact investments: Sustainable Development Investments (SDIs). We have developed a standard for the definition and approach of SDIs, or investments with a market-based return, that make a substantial contribution to the SDGs. See the taxonomies for determining whether an investment contributes towards an SDG here.

Read more about investing in the Sustainable Development Goals in our Integrated Asset Management Annual Report 2021.